PythIT Jolly!

Python, Informaton Technology and everything in between, I used to fight response but this time, I'm embracing it all with a growth mindset. Fight it, Jolly! And conquer the IT world!

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Week 5: Agile

What is Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?


MVP is a way of a team to come up with a product that has the basic feature that they think will be useful for the users to identify how the customer will behave in the launch of the product. Will they patronise it? If yes, are the features enough or theyโ€™re still looking for something more? If no, why? What needs tdo they have that must be met so they can accept the product being launched.

This method allows the company to produce a product for testing with minimal cost and better understand the customerโ€™s behaviour rather than conducting a market research such as survey that can all be hypothetical.


Todayโ€™s discovery is Polymorphism which means having many forms. In programming, itโ€™s the ability of a message to be presented or displayed in different structure. Like the materials used in the activity, it were used in various ways all arrivig at the same goal, have the tallest tower. The activity is also a way of creating MVP (Minimum Variable Product); the team came up with a product that has the basic feature that they think will be useful for the users to identify how the customer will behave in the launch of the product. Will they patronise it? If yes, are the features enough or theyโ€™re still looking for something more? If no, why? What needs do they have that must be met so they can accept the product being launched?

This method allows the company to produce a product for testing with minimal cost and better understand the customerโ€™s behaviour rather than conducting a market research such as survey that can all be hypothetical.

I asked my kids and their Dad to do the spaghetti and marshmallow activity with me being the facilitator. It was a great bonding experience and a good way to share with them my learning as they have their own realisation gained from the activity. See pictures below. Arenโ€™t they so serious? ๐Ÿ˜„


During these past few weeks of learing, there is a critical voice in my head telling me everything is difficult. Itโ€™s not my specialty. I believe what it said but I counter it by veering away from the thought that it is difficult. I reminded myself of the words of wisdom I always share with my kids when they are challenged with a task: โ€If you think itโ€™s difficult, the more that it will be difficult.โ€

The higlight of the day is knowing that I am not way behind as my religious update of the weekly activities and topics paid off. Without me knowing it, I have already came up with my project for submission. I prefer to finish the weeks and complete all the learning and reflection prior handing it over. My journal anyway is intended not only for the sake of the project but also for me to have something to look back should I get lost or stuck as I pursue my development journey.


Treading in the water is quite tiring perhaps I can try a different style of swimming. As a new week approaches, I feel that I am prepared, I have already updated myself though I know there are still a lot to dive in. Thatโ€™s okay as I have my list of terminologies to research, topics to read and videos to watch. What matters is that I am understaning the idea of it all. After which, itโ€™s up to me to decide which one to focus on. Perhaps, try to learn all of it and I can be so smart (itโ€™s free to dream anyway.)

I was excited with the session but unfortunately I canโ€™t join the team at the Uni as I am stuck with my youngest at home. The good thing is that, we did the spaghetti with marshmallow activity when I was chosen to be part of the leadership training at work. It was fun as you will have to coordinate with each members that will allow you to notice how everyone has their own leadership style. This time, the activity taught us how to prototype. By following the instructions, itโ€™s a balance between the limitations and the objective of winning for making the tallest tower. Unconsciously, it made us think of the features that we need to consider to make sure that the tower will stand, sturdy enough while it goes higher. Will Romn buy the idea of the tower made?

Week 1: Introduction with Scratch | Week 2: GitHub | Week 3: Python | Week 4: Unexpect the Expected | Week 6: Python_Koans | Conclusion