PythIT Jolly!

Python, Informaton Technology and everything in between, I used to fight response but this time, I'm embracing it all with a growth mindset. Fight it, Jolly! And conquer the IT world!

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A Bachelor in Business Administration major in Marketing graduate with work experience in customer service, dealing with technical matters is a dilemma that was thought that couldn’t be overcome. At the crossroad, the realisation to face the fear and conquer the challenge transpired.

Caught in a whirlpool of advancements, technology and automation, will you get lost or swim along the current and learn to survive? The choice is always ours.

π—£π˜†π˜π—΅π—œπ—§ JΣ¨α„‚α„‚Y is a constant reminder to never fight response but embrace the changes in information technology and improve it with a growth mindset. It is a documentation of the learning gained from IT5016 Software Development Fundamentals. A weekly reflection journal is created to train and practice the programming knowledge, monitor the progress, and future reference while advancing the developing skills. This is also intended to help aspiring developers who are just starting their journey. It’s a pleasure to pay it forward by sharing the mastery acquired and being part of one’s success in one way or another.

Please don’t hesitate to check out the weekly improvement and share your thoughts.

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